It was called many SEOS and Internet page that Guru marketing latter time is much better to have one or two major sites (which relate to a large number of exhibits) than many small sites, each a keyword (in particular, long term).
To create a site?
Any good Web site (at least one person who wants to order specific keywords) must start with keyword research. Although there are many programs that you have to pay), it is possible, I recommend to words from Google tool.
Choose a niche, (preferably something you know) and try to get some of the key phrases.Ideally, the key is that at least 3000 words corresponding exactly the search for a month if you use Google AdSense (which I recommend), then you should also try keywords higher certificate (cost per click) sees in the keyword, I recommend especially look for keyword phrases that are worth less than $0.50 per click.
If you have a worksheet contains keywords and carefully arranged, you can create your site Web réel.Il is strongly recommended by WordPress, installation and implementation is simple.grand thing about it, is that you know HTML and PHP, it is ideal for beginners.
This is the case in the work of your keywords and create content on the target site.
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